Thursday, January 19, 2012

king david is highly over-touted

I find it incredible that King David gets the reputation he does within our churches. This is the first time I have read the whole story of David and I found a plethora of examples that if it were anyone else, they would have been overlooked, if not only the areas of injustice David inflicted (1 Sam. 1:13-16; 25:39-44; 27:8-28:2; 30:1-21, 2 Sam 17), but the amount of attention he gets for reigning for a minimal amount of time, forty years. I think we need to re-evaluate the lofty level of importance we put on David. All throughout 1 and 2 Samuel we have this picture of someone who raided villages and killed men and women, stole all the possessions and kept them for himself or his people. I would need to do a further in depth study on this, but it doesn't add up. He begins with marrying 2 women right off the bat. This is quite alarming to those who want to take the Bible as literal. (You can't say this is different because it was a different culture and time without saying that about women's roles, Paul's letters, Jesus commands, etc...) The obvious Bathsheba in 1 Sam 17. I mean if you read both Samuels, it's scattered all over the place that David is causing unjust actions and creating a pretty screwed up form of leadership.
I just think it's interesting the level of claim and fame this guy gets for being a pretty awful man.